Watch it. Just WATCH IT. It's by Forever Beta (no, me neither).
So here's the interesting thing. I was at a talk the other day for a book launch (this one), and Steve Henry was talking about how "weird shit" starts conversations. It's always the weird, wonderful, and woeful that we talk about.
So I wondered, could this utterly shit piece of work actually be more successful than a competent but not exceptional advert? As it happens, I blogged about that exact thing a while ago - an ad for McVitie's Quirks.
YouTube video for the Quirks ad - uploaded 4 months ago / 6,800 views
YouTube video for the Hit Biscuits ad - uploaded 30 days ago / 55,757 views
I can also state that I've seen the Hit Biscuits ad shared at least 3 times on my Social Networks, and I've personally shown it to number of people.
Just worth bearing in mind next time you produce an ad and think "well it won't win any awards, but it's decent enough".