27 Feb 2012

McVitie's Quirks - written as I eat a custard cream

I was going to blog about the social effects of advertising, but I haven't got through the entire 35 pages of conjecture that's been given to me just yet, so we'll just stick with a quick ad crit.

This effort from Publicis London is prime example of what I'd call a tight ad. It's not exactly funny or inspiring, but it has a job and does it neatly.

From the start you know its name, you're told that it's a biscuit, and it's from McVities. The concept of the ad, the name of the biscuit, and the content of the biscuit are all neatly aligned by that simple creative strategy: "Special on the inside".

It's a professional job, I just hope the creative team had something funnier up their sleeve that they couldn't get past the client.

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