14 Sept 2011

A little research going a long way...


I started seeing these posters for the Paralympics yesterday on the tube. Apparently they're by McCann Worldgroup, and they're certainly striking - they command attention far more than most other posters currently up there. I'm a little dubious about the copywriting on this one, because strictly speaking he doesn't just use his arms. The wheels help.

This one is a whole lot better, and a really good example of research driving the copy. You push your client for all the information they can offer, then pick out what's interesting. In fact it's so strong that they should have have used this powerful theme - the minute difference between success and failure - across the whole campaign.

I also like this one because it doesn't explicitly reference the disability - it just shows it in the image. I think people are used to the idea that Paralympic achievement is against all odds, and just want to treat it as any other sport. Having said that, I assume someone at the Paralympic Association signed it off so if they don't mind, I suppose it's hardly something to make a fuss about.

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