29 Jan 2012

Look at that bling on that four-poster

So, The National Trust are looking for a new agency to help them reconnect with urban youth.

It's the kind of task I'd relish, I have to say. Once you set yourself the task of communicating outside a traditional audience, it demands a creative response.

What I hope is that they manage it without dumbing down, and that they recognise that they need to engage young people with what they do - not pretend to young people that they do something else. And if they do want to be known for more than "crusty old houses", then they should perhaps stop using "Protects and opens to the public many historic houses and gardens" as the first sentence of their description.

And I'm not sure lavender-infused watercolour scheme would be my first choice for connecting with urban youth.

It'll be interesting to see how things develop. And who wins.

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